Sometimes shit gets real. And when shit gets real it makes normal life more difficult than usual. Anyhow, what I'm getting at is that the last couple years have been all kinds of up and down, making it tricky to stay motivated in my creative life. With everything going on, I became real focused on the idea that I had to have my whole life figured out, which in turn paralyzed me from making the progress that I know I am capable of. We all have times like this in life, right?
So now I'm here and trying to get back into the swing. Working in the studio more diligently, hoping to get my work in some new shows. For a long time I have toyed with the idea of starting a blog. I had no idea what that blog was going to be about, so I just never did anything about it. I still have no idea what this blog is about or going to be about, but what the hell. Shit doesn't get done unless you get it done.
Dan Tague
Live Free Or Die, 2011
On that note, I have been wanting to tell people about a great show that I went to almost two months ago. It's been a while since I saw it, but the show is still up, so go see it! It's called Love Me Tender and it's at the Bellevue Arts Museum in Bellevue, Washington. For those Seattlites out there, I know Bellevue seems like a hike, but this show is undoubtedly worth it.